Friday, January 10, 2014

Attribute Men

Another new math center is "attribute men". We work together with our partners sorting out a bag of different objects according to a specific attribute. There is a little person shaped card in each bag that tells the kids which attribute they are sorting by. These men are superheros and they can only see their own super power.  If they get "rainbow superhero" they know that they are supposed to be sorting by color. If they get "shape superhero" they know that they have to sort by shape, if the get "ruler superhero" they know that they have to sort by size" and last is "calculator superhero" when they get this one the children know that they need to wort by number.
     One person gets the "marker mediator card" and they are in charge of recording down how many of each object there was using tally marks. Then at the bottom of the paper they need to write "=___(whatever number they counted to) The other partner gets a "hand mediator card" and that means that they are the person who has to sort the objects.

Here is a chant that we learned to help us remember how to make tally marks. Try and practice at home! Also try and practice counting the tally marks by 5s and then the ones that don't make a complete tally mark set you can count on one by one. For example, if you made tally marks for the number 17 you would make 3 complete tally mark sets with 5 marks and count "5, 10, 15" then the extra 2 tally marks you would count on from 15 by ones "16, 17"

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