
Thursday, June 18, 2020

Helpful Links for Incoming Kindergarten families 2020-2021 school year

Here is an old post with a typical class schedule, they tend to stay pretty similar from year to year with the exception of the specials (Physical Education/PE/Gym, Art, Music & Library) those tends to get switched up different days/times every year. We still have not heard any updates about what our classroom/schedule will look like post/during COVID-19.

Here are some important forms I will provide a hard copy of when school starts. The forms posted are from this past year they may change for this upcoming school year due to COVID-19 and us not knowing exactly what school will look like but they still may be helpful to look at and may answer a lot of your questions!

Here is a post about games and fun activities you can do at home. This was a resource I compiled together this past March when we first started to do remote learning.

Tools of the Mind I Have, Who Has? games to play on the iPad at home (we will learn a lot more about these games in school!)

Here is a post about the apps we typically use in school on our class set of iPads

Here is an old post about the different types of seating I have in my classroom. I have flexible seating. I have added a few more options since this post. We have donut cushions, scoop rockers and swivel chairs too.

Here is a link to my Amazon Idea List with some amazing books in case you were looking for some great books to add to your shelf at home. Lots of great diverse books!

Arlington After School Program at Peirce Elementary School

I thought I would post the link to the after school program that is on site at Peirce. They also do a before school program as well. They are truly AMAZING and each one of the staff is so wonderful with the students. It is a fantastically run program. I believe they start at 7:15 or 7:30 Peirce After School Program (PASP) As of right now they are full and there are about 25 kindergarten families on the waitlist. They do anticipate some movement as some current families may have to rearrange their days/ may not need after-school due to covid-19 and the unknown schedule that the Arlington Public Schools will have in the fall. Other after-school programs in town that have a van or bus that will pick up students from Peirce (depending on if there are enough students signed up to get picked up from Peirce but there usually always is!) are Fidelity House, Arlington Boys & Girls Club and Ready, Set, KIDS!  I have heard wonderful things about each of these programs too!

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Distance Learning Resources

Hello K families,
           I will continue to add links to resources here if you are looking for more things to do at home with your child.

          CVC (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant words) activities:
Author and Illustrator of the Captain Underpants books, Dav Pilkey is creating weekly videos for kids (and adults!) who might want to try their hand at drawing

Word Wall Word/Sight Word activities:
  • K Word Wall Words/Sight Words bubble letters some ideas on what to do with these are: rainbow write in them, put stickers in them, paint them, cut them up and tape around your house to practice reading, you could line up cheerios or small beads inside the letters to practice fine motor, etc.

  • Word Wall Word/Sight Word Memory Rain drop memory game

  • Make a Square game Make a square with word wall/sight words, make a square with addition and subtraction facts within 5, roll and circle groups. The class LOVES these games!
  • I Spy on the Word Wall The page 2 has the Kindergarten sight words and pages 4-7 are the first grade sight words
  • Editable Super hero board game -- you can customize the words on the board and type right in the words your child is working on I have a list if you want to know what words they're working on)


Virtual Field trips for Kindergartners
